If you need a reminder that this month's BGS meeting is a week early due to Memorial Day, then the fretboard graphic on this month's sightreading handout should flag your attention. And BTW, the bands of color on the fretboard mark different octaves and the three stars are the high Cs.
The three sightreads in this issue are all related to different services in the U.S. armed forces. No, the Air Force's Wild Blue Yonder (1939) is not among them, due to copyright restrictions, nor is the Space Force's Semper Supra (2022), due additionally to mixed reviews. Nor the Coast Guard's Semper Paratus (1928) which just recently became public domain.
You'll immediately recognize these three tunes (and their
services) from their scores, perhaps even without using your
guitar. But to really appreciate the history (and humor!) behind
them, you'll want to follow the stories and youtube links on the
back page, which you can click like a web page if you get the PDF. One
of the tunes is even playable as natural harmonics on a single
string! Enjoy the sightreads and the trivia.