Group B Exercises: Position I Lower Notes

For ledger lines below the staff

All the exercises in this group emphasize the lower notes of position I and include notes too low for position VII. If you're not used to reading note on ledger lines, see the DFE section on “Hairy Notes Outside the Staff”. Or if you mistake a low E (below three ledgers) for low G (below two ledgers), visualize the E minor diatonic triad with notes E-G-B stacked neatly in neighboring spaces. That's the lowest triad on a guitar; the rest is easy.

Fretboard diagram for position I lower notes

This adds the seven notes at the bottom that are too low for position VII. The others you already know from exercises in first and seventh positions.

Scales to practice for ledger lines below the staff

Scale 7. A diminishing return.

Scale 8. The big bumblebee.

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Star map to the exercises in this group

The boxes below automatically keep track of which exercises you've seen in this group (you get a gold star for each exercise you visit). And clicking on a box will take you to that exercise (you can see the exercise number by hovering over a box and looking at the url displayed). So all this lets you pick up where you left off in your last session, or go on to some random exercise you haven't seen yet. Courtesy of your browser history.

IMSLP-DRAFT 2024/04/02
Chromatic Fretboard Exercises
CC-BY: J. J. Olson