Group D Exercises: Position I Wide Range

Pieces covering the full range of position I

There is one long exercise in this group that indeed does span the entire range of position I, but all exercises here have a range well over an octave, making for some challenging reading even though there are no new notes.

Scales to practice across position I

Scale 11. Minor thirds to cover position I.

Scale 12. A moonlit path.

Scale 13. An afternoon prelude.

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Star map to the exercises in this group

The boxes below automatically keep track of which exercises you've seen in this group (you get a gold star for each exercise you visit). And clicking on a box will take you to that exercise (you can see the exercise number by hovering over a box and looking at the url displayed). So all this lets you pick up where you left off in your last session, or go on to some random exercise you haven't seen yet. Courtesy of your browser history.

IMSLP-DRAFT 2024/04/02
Chromatic Fretboard Exercises
CC-BY: J. J. Olson