Group F Exercises: Position IX

Position IX tops off the neck

Ninth position is almost an afterthought. The first two slots overlap with familiar position VII, the fourth slot has notes exactly an octave above the open strings (so names should be familiar) and the third slot is empty (the eleventh fret only has sharps and flats). Position IX does have two extension notes, however, that you'll need to remember (high C and middle F).

Fretboard diagram for position IX

Find position IX “with ease” using “first finger E on third string”. On a classical guitar, your hand will also be touching the body where it joins the neck. The double bar line below marks the 12th fret.

Scales to practice in position IX

Scale 17. Dorian mode fits well in ninth position.

Scale 18. On a Dorian theme.

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IMSLP-DRAFT 2024/04/02
Diatonic Fretboard Exercises
CC-BY: J. J. Olson