She sees C-shells by the C-shore in this month's fretboard image; the colored bands depicting surf at the shore are actually the different octaves, each starting at a C note marked by a shell oriented like the letter C. The combination makes it easy to see the two middle-Cs in the deeper water, the four common Cs where water meets beach (aka C-level), and the three high Cs stranded higher up on the sand. Can you C it now?
( BTW, the fact that middle C on guitar is submerged an octave below C-level is not due to climate change since the days when pianos were invented. Instead it's a conventional transposition that allows guitarists to sightread music without getting our feet wet in the bass clef. The C-level depicted above, where blue meets yellow, really is the same pitch as middle C on pianos, which means half of our range is under water. )
This month's sightreading handout* has some simple summer sightreads suitable for sunny seaside situations or someone's secluded sightreading sessions. Seventh position is suggested, but the first melody is also simple in first and, surprisingly, in fourth (try it!). Imagine yourself by the beautiful C, and see the phrase markings as waves to get into the mood, but have fun surfing small slurs wherever it seems sensible. Both selections are in the key of C, of course.
Click the link below to C for yourself: