An Autumn Sightread - Literally

Yes, despite the lingering heat of summer, it's getting to be time for the annual trip up the mountains to see the glorious gold aspens and their white bark against the deep blue Colorado sky. This fretboard graphic leverages the octave bands, like last month's surf at the C-side, but in this case to depict an aspen limb against the sky. Each leaf is on a C, of course, and the darker shades within each octave are the sharps and flats.

There is just one exercise in this month's sightreading handout* and it's from a piece named for the season. No, it's not "Autumn Leaves" from 1945; that's still under copyright. Instead, this piece named "Autumn" was composed 300 years ago in Italy as a violin concerto by one of the masters of the Baroque period, and it remains one of his most popular works today. The version here has been shortened and simplified for guitar sightreading, but it retains the implicit key changes and interesting chord progressions of the original. You can probably recognize the melody from the score even without your guitar.

There's an extra treat on the back page. Guitarists may enjoy the well-made youtube of an early music group playing the original piece on Baroque instruments, including a 5-string fretted bass viol and a 16-string archlute, the latter played by David Tayler who also used it for Bach's Lute Prelude in yet another youtube link. Great music. Click the link and check it out.


Monthly Fretboard Exercises
September 2024
CC-BY: J. J. Olson