Extending the Valentine's Day theme, this month's sightreading handout* features two songs about the pleasures and heartaches of love.
What's notable about these old public domain songs (from 1784 and 1927) is that they both became new hits for the same 1960s rock star. Try sightreading them to see if you recognize who it was, or, if you're too young, check out the youtube links on the back page. This issue also explains all those Roman numerals you've been seeing above each exercise.
Give it a read and see if you can name that star of rock and roll. Sightreading can be fun!
P.S. This is the last month for the combo fretboards graphic (like here), but it's a good way to explain the layout scheme. Colors vary, but the dark and light patterns distinguish sharps/flats from the natural notes, just like the black and white keys on a piano. And the icon of the month (bat, snowflake, heart) marks every C on the fretboard. Taken together, they can jog your memory of where specific notes are found. Or just be monthly eye candy for your enjoyment.