You may want to take a peek at this month's sightreading handout* before the meeting. It fits nicely with our ensemble workshop and with this being the month for New Year's resolutions, since it gives concise instruction on how to begin sightreading five easy pieces in two different positions on the neck.
The key, literally, is a "musical fretboard diagram" that uses music notation to show how a given note on the staff should be played on the fretboard, i.e. by which finger on which string. It's a visual-spatial mapping from seeing a note in the music to fingering that note on the fretboard, for two different positions.
Learning to read the same notes in two positions builds neural connections (memories) that understand context, making it easier to learn additional positions (or even additional instruments) without having to alter the connections you've already made. Like growing up being bilingual versus learning a "foreign" language.
In this case, the two positions are I and VII, which are the only sweet spots where the entire scale of natural notes can be played across the fretboard without having to stretch into a neighboring position. They're just plain easy. You'll only have to move your hand along the neck when switching between these positions, and the instructions even show how to do that without ever looking at the fretboard.
To make it a game, the five little pieces have riddles/hints/clues that you'll appreciate once you play and recognize the tunes. So give it a try and have some fun, all while making it easier to learn more guitar pieces in the future.